Google Maps – Custom max. speed

UX Design | Tiny case study
– Problem Definition
– Visual Design


For me the Google Maps app on iOS is the go to navigation app. It usually has the most relevant data on both routing and destination information. It instantly provides contact information, opening hours (for stores etc.) and reviews for when the destination is something you actually want to go and visit. 

Of course the main reason to use Google Maps is navigation, it gives real-time information about potential delays, speed camera locations and alternative routes. In normal day to day use you would pick ‘fastest route’, but what if the thing you’re driving is not really fast at all? Do note that this little UX design case purely driven by my own experiences with the app.


Next to using my regular passenger car, I enjoy the occasional trip with our older camper van. But as most highways have speed limits ranging from 100 to 130km/h, my van and I can’t keep up with regular traffic. Plus Google Maps’ navigation holds on to the max speeds on the route and gives the wrong estimated time of arrival (ETA) if you’re driving slower than the regular traffic speeds. But, on the other hand, if you choose ‘shortest route’ it will give you the route with literally the least amount of kilometers. That will bring you on roads through cities, neighbourhoods etc etc. Also not ideal. 

Google Maps does let you choose between different modes of transportation, such as cycling and walking. Each has it’s own route and ETA of course, but none are relevant for me and my camper van. 

So how can I get a route on Google Maps that suits the max speed of my – slower – camper van?


Without completely redesigning the Google Maps app,  I’m adding an extra mode of transportation; a custom speed one. This option will give you the opportunity to set a custom maximum speed of your vehicle and save it for later use. That way you can quickly select the vehicle with deviating maximum speed. Google Maps will pick the route that is fastest for your vehicle ánd gives you the right estimated time of arrival.